Francisco Martínez Cutillas


Ingeniero de Caminos (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1987) y Doctor en Ingeniería (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1993). Profesor Titular de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras en la ETS de Ingenieros de Caminos de Madrid (1996) que compagina con su actividad profesional en la empresa Principia.

Trabaja fundamentalmente en el área de la mecánica estructural, especializándose en problemas de fisuración, localización de deformaciones, mecanismos de daño y modelización constitutiva de materiales estructurales. Destacan igualmente sus estudios de dinámica no lineal, impacto, efectos sísmicos, grandes deformaciones dinámicas, explosiones y conformación de metales.



Mecánica (2.º curso, Grado en Ingeniería Civil y Territorial) 

Métodos computacionales en Ingeniería Civil (1º curso, Máster en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos)

Cálculo no Lineal de Estructuras con Elementos Finitos (Master en Ingeniería de Estructuras, Cimentaciones y Materiales)

Mecánica (2.º curso, Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos)

Mecánica de Medios Continuos ( curso, Ingeniero Geólogo)


Mecánica estructural aplicada. Dinámica no lineal, comportamiento de estructuras frente a impactos y explosiones. Comportamiento constitutivo del hormigón y estudios estructurales de las consecuencias de la reacción álcali-árido.
Estudios avanzados de peligrosidad e ingeniería sísmica.


Cuevas, R., Jiménez-Alonso, F., Martínez, F., Díaz, Iván M. (2021) “Uncertainty-based Approaches for the Lateral Vibration Serviceability Assessment of Slender Footbridges”, Structures Volume 33, October, pages 3475-3485.

Martí, J., Riera, F. & Martínez, F. (2020) “Interpretation of the Failure of the Aznalcóllar (Spain) Tailings Dam”, Mine Water Environ .

Rocío G. Cuevas, Javier F. Jiménez-Alonso, Francisco Martínez, Iván M. Díaz (2020) “Assessment of the Lateral Vibration Serviceability Limit State of Slender Footbridges Including the Postlock-in Behaviour”, applied sciences, Vol., 10, 967;

R. García Cuevas, J.F Jimenez-Alonso, C. Martín de la Concha Renedo, F. Martínez, Iván M. Díaz (2019) “Analytical and Experimental Lateral Vibration Assessment of an in-Service Footbridge”, 5th International Conference on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering CMMoST, Alicante (Spain), 23-25 October.

Rodríguez J., Lacoma, L., Martínez, F. Martí, J, (2019) “Designing Glazing against Terrorist Explosions”, Congreso del Grupo Español de Fractura, Seville, Spain, 3-5 April.

Lacoma, L.M, Rodríguez, J., Martínez, F., and Martí, J. (2018) “Analysis of the Lifting Process of Bridge Segments”, 1ª Conferencia de Dinámica Estructural, Madrid, Spain, 20-21 June, pp. 1-4.

Rodríguez, J., Martínez, F., Martí, J, Carretero, P., and Álvarez, A. (2018) “Cracking Problems in Wind Turbines”, 2018 SIMULIA Global User Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 18-21 June, pp. 1-15.

Riera, F., Rodríguez, J., Martínez, F., and Martí, J. (2017) “Simulación de Impactos sobre Láminas de Material Compuesto”, Materiales Compuestos, Revista de la Asociación Española de Materiales Compuestos, vol. 1, no. 1, June, pp. 1-9.

Lacoma, L., Rodríguez, J., Martínez, F., and J. Martí, J. (2016) “Optimised Design of Foundations for Wind Towers”, Science in the Age of Experience Conference, Boston, MA, 23-25 May, pp. 1-12.

Crespo, M.J., Rodríguez, J., Lacoma, L., Martínez, F., and Martí, J. (2015) “Experience and Lessons Learnt from the SMART 2013 Benchmark”, SIMULIA Community Conference, Berlin, Germany, 19-21 May, pp. 1-15.

Crespo, M.J., Martínez, F., and Martí, J. (2014) "Seismic Hazards of the Iberian Peninsula – Evaluation with Kernel Functions", Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. No. 14, pp. 1309-1323, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-1309-2014,, ISSN 2195-9269.

Crespo, M.J., Martí, J., and Martínez, F. (2014) “Incorporación de Actividad Sísmica no Reflejada en el catálogo en Métodos no Zonificados”, Iberfault 2014 - 2ª Reunión Ibérica sobre Fallas Activas y Paleosismología, Lorca, Murcia (Spain), 22-24 October, ISBN XX, pp. 1-4.

Zinn, R., Borgerhoff, M., Stangenberg, F., Schneeberger, C., Rodríguez, J., Lacoma, L., Martínez, F., and Martí, J. (2014) “Analysis of Combined Bending and Punching Tests of Reinforced Concrete Slabs within IMPACT III Project”, Eurodyn 2014, IX International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Porto (Portugal), 30 June – 2 July.

González, P., Rodríguez, J., Martí, J., and Martínez, F. (2014) “Analysis of Pressure Transients and Cavitation in a Distributor”, SIMULIA Community Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 20-22 May, pp. 1-15.

Rodríguez, J., Martí, J., Martínez, F., Schneeberger, C., and Zinn, R. (2013) “Analysis of Punching of a Reinforced Concrete Slab within IRIS_2012”, Abstract Transactions, SMiRT-22, 22nd International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Division V, Paper no. 279, San Francisco, California, 18-23 August, pp. 1-10.

Rodríguez, J., Martínez, F., and Martí, J. (2013) “Concrete Constitutive Model, Calibration and Applications”, SIMULIA Community Conference, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 May, 15 p.

Crespo, M.J., Martí, J., y Martínez, F. (2012) “Seismic Activity Rates in the Iberian Península”, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa, Portugal, 24-28 septiembre.

Rodríguez, J., Martínez, F., and Martí, J. (2012) “Calibración de Modelos Constitutivos de Hormigón”, XVI Reunión de Usuarios de SIMULIA, Madrid, Spain, 12-13 November, published on CD.

Rodríguez, J., González, P., Martínez, F., y Martí, J. (2012) “Concrete Swelling in a Double Curvature Dam”, ICAAR-2012, 14th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, Austin, Texas, EEUU, 20-25 Mayo.

Rodríguez, J., Crespo, M.J., Lacoma, L.M., Martínez, F., y Martí, J. (2012) "Fluid-Structure Interaction in Civil Engineering Structures", 2012 SCC SIMULIA Customer Conference, Providence, RI, EEUU, 15-17 mayo.

Rodríguez, J., Lacoma, L., Martínez, F., y Martí, J. (2011) “Contribution to Theme A of the Benchmark Workshop: Effect of Concrete Swelling on the Equilibrium and Displacements of an Arch Dam”, XI ICOLD Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams, Valencia, España, 20-21 octubre, ISBN 978-84-695-1816-8.

Rodríguez, J., González, P., Martínez, F., y Martí, J. (2011) “Concrete Swelling in Two Spanish Dams”, XI ICOLD Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams, Open Technical Section, Valencia, España, 20-21 octubre, ISBN 978-84-695-1816-8.

Crespo, M.J., Martínez, F., y Martí, J. (2011) “Peligrosidad Sísmica en la Península Ibérica”, 4CNIS, 4º Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica, Granada, España, 18-20 mayo, ISBN 978-84-338-5195-6.

Rodríguez, J., Martínez, F., y Martí, J. (2011) “Integral Bridge for High-Speed Railway”, Structural Engineering International, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 297-303, ISSN 1016-8664.

Rodríguez, J., González, P., Martínez, F., y Martí, J. (2011) “Concrete Swelling in Existing Dams”, 2011 SCC SIMULIA Customer Conference, Barcelona, España, 17-19 mayo, pp.513-525.

Martí, J., Crespo, M., y Martínez, F. (2010) “Seismic Isolation of Liquefied Natural Gas Tanks: a Comparative Assessment”, Journal of Seismic Isolation and Protective Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 125-140, ISSN 2150-7902.

Rodríguez, J., Martí, J., y Martínez, F. (2010) "Post-cracking Behaviour of a Wind Turbine Concrete Tower", 2010 SCC SIMULIA Customer Conference, Providence, RI, EEUU, 25-27 mayo.

Martí, J., Crespo, M.J. y Martínez, F. (2009) "Diseño y Verificación de la Cimentación de los Tanques de GNL de Dahej (India)", Revista Escuela de Minas de Madrid. Ingenieros de Energía, Minas y Geología, no. 6, pp.142-151, ISSN 1889-4739.

Marti, J., Martínez, F., Kanekura, T., Takuwa, D. y Singh, R. (2008) "Design and verification of the foundations of the Dahej LNG tanks" 12th International Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG) Goa, India, 1-6 octubre.

Martínez, F., Crespo, M.J. y Martí, J. (2007) "El Aislamiento Sísmico en Tanques de GNL", III CNIS Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica, Gerona, España, 8-11 mayo.

Martínez, F., Martí, J., San Vicente, J.L. and Alcántara, D.G. (2002) “Capacidad Última de una Contención Nuclear de Hormigón Pretensado”, II ACHE Conference on Bridges and Structures, Madrid, November 11-15.

Martí, J., Martínez, F., Crespo, M.J. and Alcántara, D.G. (2002) “Cargas Anormales en Tanques de GNL”, II ACHE Conference on Bridges and Structures, Madrid, November 11-15.

Crespo, M.J., Martínez, F., Martínez, A. (2002) "Diseño de un absorbedor frente a impactos", Fifth Spanish Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, Madrid, 3-6 June.

San Vicente, J.L., Martínez, F. (2002) "Study of Human Induced Vibrations in a Footbridge". Proceedings of the 3rd World Conference on Structural Control,. Como, Italy, 7-12 April.

Martí, J., Riera, F. and Martínez, F. (2001) “Back Analysis of the Progressive Failure of a Tailings Dam (Part I)”, ABAQUS Users Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 30-June 1.

Martínez, F., Martí, J. and Simic, D. (1999) “Analytical Assessment of Ground Liquefaction”, ABAQUS Users’ Conference, Chester, UK, May 26-28.

Martínez, F., Martí, J. and Gago, J.A. (1999) “Impact Challenges on a Dual-Purpose Flask”, 15th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Seoul, Korea, August 15-20.

Martínez, F., Martí, J. And Simic, D. (1999) “Evaluación Analítica del Potencial de Licuefacción”, 1st National Congress on Earthquake Engineering, Murcia, Spain, April 12-16.

Gabaldón, F., Goicolea, J.M. y Martínez, F. (1996) “Análisis de la contribución de los modos incompatibles en problemas de localización”. Third Spanish Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering. Zaragoza. June 3-6, pp 897-906.

Martí, J., Martínez, F. and Mayoral, F. (1996) “A Simplified Procedure for Analysis of Flask Impact”, SUSI’96: Fourth International Conference on Structures under Shock and Impact, Udine, Italy, July 3-5.

Martínez, F., Goicolea, J.M. y Marín, J. (1996) “Localización de deformaciones en probetas de hormigón”. Third Spanish Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering. Zaragoza. Junio 3-6, pp 917-925.

Martí, J., González, G., Martínez, F., Mayoral, F. (1995) “A simplified procedure for analysis of flask impact”. Waste Repository Technology and Manegement, Post-SMiRT Seminar No 10, Iguazú, August 21-23.

Vázquez, J.M., Beltrán, F. J., Martí, J., Martínez, F. (1995) “Swelling of spent fuel storage tubes”. Transactions of the 13th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 13). Vol IV pp 401-406. Porto Alegre, August 13-18.

Martínez, F., Rico, G., Franganillo, A. y Climent, H. (1995) “Bird impact on an aircraft leading edge”. ABAQUS Users´ Conference. Paris, May 31- June 2. pp 565-577.

Martínez, F. J., Goicolea, J. M., y Ortiz, M. (1995) “Numerical analysis of strain localization in concrete specimens under different loading paths”. Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications. Ed. Owen, D. R. J., Oñate, E. y Hinton, E. Vol II, pp. 2373-2384.

Martínez, F. (1994) "Análisis de fenómenos de localización en materiales cohesivo friccionales" Informes de la Construcción, vol. 46, no. 432, pp. 45-56, July-August (in Spanish).

Baldó, O., Díaz, J., Martínez, F., Beltrán, F.J., Mateos, A. and Rico, G. (1994) "Numerical simulation of superplastic forming/diffussion bonding processes". Superplasticity Conference: 60 years after Pearson. 7-8 December, Manchester.

Martínez, F., Goicolea, J.M. and Ortíz, M. (1994) "Numerical Analysis of Strain Localization in Concrete Specimens". Proc. International Conference of Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures. EURO-C 1994. Eds. Mang, H., Bicanic, N. and Borst, R. vol. I, pp. 353-362.

Goicolea, J.M. and Martínez, F. (1994) "Low Velocity Impact of a Deformable Multi-body System", Third International Conference on Structures under Shock and Impact, SUSI/94. Ed. P.S. Bulson. Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Martínez, F. and Goicolea, J.M. (1994) "Study of some Basic Problems of Strain Localization by Finite Elements" Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 209-236 (in Spanish).

Beltrán, F. and Martínez, F. (1993) "Discretization Error Estimates of Assumed-Strain Elements" Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, vol. 9, nº 4, pp. 403-416 (in Spanish).

Martí, J. Beltrán, F., Martínez, F. and Mayoral, F. (1993) "Numerical Simulation of Impact Problems", European Convex Users Conference FOC-93, Bilbao, Spain, October.

Beltrán, F. and Martínez, F. (1993) "Discretization Error Estimates of Assumed-Strain Elements" 2nd Congress on Numerical methods in Engineering, La Coruña, Spain, June 7-10, pp 667-677 (in Spanish).

Martínez, F., Beltrán, F. and Martí, J. (1993) "Numerical Simulation of the Formation of Threads in a Lightbulb" Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, La Coruña, Spain, June 7-10, pp. 1500-1509 (in Spanish).

Goicolea, J., Martínez, F. and Gabaldón, F. (1991) "Analysis of Severe Accidents on Nuclear Containments", Informes de la Construcción, vol. 43, no. 418, March/April (in Spanish).

Martínez, F., González, G. and Martí, J. (1991) "Seismic Analysis of an Earth Dam", Fourth Annual ABAQUS Users' Conference, Oxford, England, September 11-13, pp. 339-349.

Vázquez, J.M., Creis, F., Martí, J. Beltrán, F., Martínez, F. (1990).”Analysis of the Ultimate Capacity of the C.N. Santa María de Garoña Mark Y Nuclear Containment under Severe accident. Phase A - Drywell”, XVI Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society, Oviedo, Spain, October 24-26 (in Spanish).

Vázquez, J.M., Creis, F., Beltrán, F., Martínez, F., Martí, J., Blas, J. and Martín, M. (1990). "Evaluation of a Mark I Containment System under Severe Accident Pressurization", 2nd International Conference on Containment Design and Operation, Toronto, Canadá, October 14-17.

Vázquez, J. M., Beltrán, F., Martí, J. and Martínez, F., (1990) "Severe Accident Analysis of the Containment of a Mark I BWR", Third Annual ABAQUS Users' Conference, Newport, Rhode Island, May 30- June 1, pp. 483-502.

Martínez, F. and Martí, J. (1989) "Simulation of Seismic Effects and Other Dynamic Loads", International Meeting on Catastrophes and Society, Madrid, Spain, October 24-26 (in Spanish).

Martínez, F., Martí, J., Nielsen, M.P., Trbojevic, V.M. and Young, A.G. (1989) "Review of Constitutive Models to Predict Plain and Reinforced Concrete Behaviour under Severe Loads", Commission of the European Communities. Seminar on the Commission Contribution to Reactor Safety Research, Varese, Italy, November 20-24.

Martínez, F., Martí, J. and Goicolea, J. (1989) "Evaluation of a Reinforced Concrete Containment: Sandia 1:6 Scale", XV Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society, Alicante, Spain, October 23-25 (in Spanish).

Cortés, R., Martínez, F. and Martí, J. (1988) "Evaluation of Concrete Containments during Severe Accidents", XIV Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society, Marbella, Spain October 26-28 (in Spanish).

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