Pedro Navas Almodóvar


Profesor Contratado Doctor.
Secretario del Departamento de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras.
Doctor Ingeniero de Caminos por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
Investigador en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, la Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, habiendo realizado estancias en la Case Western Reserve University (OH, USA), University of West London (US) y la Universitá degli studi di Padova (Italia).


  • Mecánica computacional (3º curso, Grado en Ingeniería Civil y Territorial)
  • Métodos computacionales en Ingeniería Civil (1º curso, Máster en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos)
  • Biomecánica de Medios Continuos (2.º curso, Grado en Ingeniería Biomédica)
  • Modelos Numéricos en Biomedicina (3.º curso, Grado en Ingeniería Biomédica)
  • Efecto Local (Coordinador de la asignatura. 1.º curso, Máster en Análisis del Riesgo Sísmico mediante Tecnologías Geoespaciales)
  • Fundamentos de Plasticidad en Geomateriales (Master en Ingeniería de Estructuras, Cimentaciones y Materiales)
  • Modelos numéricos para biomecánica de tejidos y del flujo sanguíneo (3 ECTS)  (Master en Ingeniería Biomédica)
  • Research/Investigación
    • Mecánica de sólidos computacional
    • Geotecnia computacional
    • Biomecanica computaciona
    • Grandes deformaciones
    • Métodos sin malla
    • Problemas dinámicos
    • Fractura

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    (1) Navas, P.; Molinos, M.; Stickle, M. M.; Manzanal, D.; Yagüe, A.; Pastor, M. Explicit Meshfree u-pw Solution of the Dynamic Biot Formulation at Large Strain. Computational Particle Mechanics 2021.

    (2) Navas, P.; Pastor, M.; Yagüe, A.; Stickle, M. M.; Manzanal, D.; Molinos, M. Fluid Stabilization of the U-w Biot’s Formulation at Large Strain. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 2020.

    (3) Molinos, M.; Navas, P.; Pastor, M.; Stickle, M. M. On the Dynamic Assessment of the Local-Maximum Entropy Material Point Method through an Explicit Predictor–Corrector Scheme. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2021, 374, 113512.

    (4) Pastor, M.; Tayyebi, S. M.; Stickle, M. M.; Ángel Yagüe; Molinos, M.; Navas, P.; Manzanal, D. A Depth Integrated, Coupled, Two-Phase Model for Debris Flow Propagation. Acta Geotechnica 2021.

    (5) Molinos, M.; Navas, P.; Manzanal, D.; Pastor, M. Local Maximum Entropy Material Point Method Applied to Quasi-Brittle Fracture. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2021.

    (6) Navas, P. Meshfree Modeling of Cyclic Behavior of Sands within Large Strain Generalized Plasticity Framework. Computers and Geotechnics 2020.

    (7) Navas, P. Meshfree Modelling of Dynamic Fracture in Fibre Reinforced Concrete. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures; 2019.

    (8) Monforte, L.; Navas, P.; Carbonell, J. M.; Arroyo, M.; Gens, A. Low-Order Stabilized Finite Element for the Full Biot Formulation in Soil Mechanics at Finite Strain. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 2019, 43 (7), 1488–1515.

    (9) Yu, R. C.; Navas, P.; Ruiz, G. Meshfree Modeling of the Dynamic Mixed-Mode Fracture in FRC through an Eigensoftening Approach. Engineering Structures 2018, 172, 94–104.

    (10) Navas, P.; López-Querol, S.; Yu, R. C.; Pastor, M. Optimal Transportation Meshfree Method in Geotechnical Engineering Problems under Large Deformation Regime. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2018.

    (11) Navas, P. Simulation of Mixed-Mode Fracture in Concrete through the Eigensoftening Algorithm. In 35 GEF; 2018.

    (12) Navas, P.; Yu, R. C.; Li, B.; Ruiz, G. Modeling the Dynamic Fracture in Concrete: An Eigensoftening Meshfree Approach. International Journal of Impact Engineering 2018, 113 (Supplement C), 9–20.

    (13) Navas, P.; Sanavia, L.; López-Querol, S.; Yu, R. C. Explicit Meshfree Solution for Large Deformation Dynamic Problems in Saturated Porous Media. Acta geotechnica 2017.

    (14) Navas, P. Meshfree Methods Applied to Dynamic Problems in Materials in Construction and Soils. phdthesis, University of Castilla-La Mancha, 2017.

    (15) Navas, P.; Sanavia, L.; López-Querol, S.; Yu, R. C. U-w Formulation for Dynamic Problems in Large Deformation Regime Solved through an Implicit Meshfree Scheme. Computation mechanics 2017.

    (16) Navas, P.; Li, B.; Yu, R. C. Meshfree Modelling of Dynamic Fracture in High-Strength Concrete. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures; IA-FraMCoS, 2016.

    (17) Navas, P. Dynamic Fracture in HSC under Impact Load: A Numerical Study via Meshfree Approximation Schemes. In Anales de Mecánica de Fractura; 2016.

    (18) Navas, P.; López-Querol, S.; Yu, R. C.; Li, B. Meshfree Methods Applied to Consolidation Problems in Saturated Soils. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics 2016, 81, 241–264.

    (19) Navas, P. Meshfree Numerical Schemes Applied to Seepage Problems Through Earth Dams. In Anales de Mecánica de Fractura; 2014.

    (20) Navas, P.; López-Querol, S. Generalized Unconfined Seepage Flow Model Using Displacement Based Formulation. Engineering Geology 2013, 166, 140–151.

    (21) López-Querol, S.; Navas, P.; Peco, J.; Arias-Trujillo, J. Changing Impermeability Boundary Conditions to Obtain Free Surfaces in Unconfined Seepage Problems. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 2011, 48 (5), 841–845.